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Healthy Lifestyle

  Healthy Lifestyle Introduction Health is a state of physical, mental and emotional well-being felt by persons of any age in their personal and social life. The right to health, just as the right to good education, is one of the fundamental rights of any human being. Promotion of healthy lifestyles has been gaining popularity as a tool for developing public health. Studies indicated that healthy lifestyles enhance lifelong health, increase quality of life, and decrease morbidity and mortality ( 2007). Lifestyle choices and individuals’ behaviors have the potential to influence health and improve the quality of life (Lyons & Lungile, 2000). During the transition from childhood to adulthood, adolescents establish patterns of behavior and make lifestyle choices that affect both their current and future health. Active and health-enhancing leisure time by outdoor physical activities can significantly increase the benefits of physical activities and facilitate adoption of a healthy life

Early Cancer Diagnosis with Minimally Invasive Technique


Early Cancer Diagnosis with Minimally Invasive Technique

Last Week in Medicine

Photo by Obi - @pixel6propix on Unsplash

Early diagnosis always brings better results in terms of treatment for all types of cancer. Cancer types can be detected by many different diagnostic methods. Although some of these are methods that require interventional procedures, the diagnosis can also be made by imaging methods. Many studies already recommend screening programs for healthy people over a certain age. However, some diagnostic methods, such as those for bowel cancer, are methods that most people do not like to have. Being able to make these diagnoses from a simple blood sample would be something everyone would like.

A new study published in the journal Cell says that 18 tumors can be diagnosed from a blood sample. In this study, platelets, which are involved in blood coagulation, were used for early cancer detection.

The association of platelets with cancer has been provided by two important observations. The first is Trousseau’s observation in 1868: Spontaneous coagulation in cancer patients. With this observation, he said that platelets may be affected by cancer. The second is Billroth’s definition in 1877 of a thrombus filled with tumor elements as a part of tumor metastasis. Over time, this relationship has also been given a name: Tumor-educated platelets (TEP). In 2010 and 2011, Calverley et al. and Nilsson et al. showed that the RNA profiles in the platelets of cancer patients were also different from those of healthy people.

With this new study, In’t Veld et al. detected 18 different cancer types with high specificity in a single blood sample. Although the consistency of the method varies with tumor type, they say it has high consistency for the early diagnosis of many tumors. In addition, for 5 tumor types, they were able to find the place of origin of the tumor with 80% accuracy with this method. With these studies, in the near future, we will be able to diagnose early cancer more easily thanks to TEP-derived RNA panels with a single blood sample, which is a minimally invasive procedure.


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Healthy Lifestyle

  Healthy Lifestyle Introduction Health is a state of physical, mental and emotional well-being felt by persons of any age in their personal and social life. The right to health, just as the right to good education, is one of the fundamental rights of any human being. Promotion of healthy lifestyles has been gaining popularity as a tool for developing public health. Studies indicated that healthy lifestyles enhance lifelong health, increase quality of life, and decrease morbidity and mortality ( 2007). Lifestyle choices and individuals’ behaviors have the potential to influence health and improve the quality of life (Lyons & Lungile, 2000). During the transition from childhood to adulthood, adolescents establish patterns of behavior and make lifestyle choices that affect both their current and future health. Active and health-enhancing leisure time by outdoor physical activities can significantly increase the benefits of physical activities and facilitate adoption of a healthy life