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Healthy Lifestyle

  Healthy Lifestyle Introduction Health is a state of physical, mental and emotional well-being felt by persons of any age in their personal and social life. The right to health, just as the right to good education, is one of the fundamental rights of any human being. Promotion of healthy lifestyles has been gaining popularity as a tool for developing public health. Studies indicated that healthy lifestyles enhance lifelong health, increase quality of life, and decrease morbidity and mortality ( 2007). Lifestyle choices and individuals’ behaviors have the potential to influence health and improve the quality of life (Lyons & Lungile, 2000). During the transition from childhood to adulthood, adolescents establish patterns of behavior and make lifestyle choices that affect both their current and future health. Active and health-enhancing leisure time by outdoor physical activities can significantly increase the benefits of physical activities and facilitate adoption of a healthy life

Can Refined Sugar Poison You?


Can Refined Sugar Poison You?

Daily intake of foodstuff from snacks to our main meals, every food contains sugar. Now, I hope you are thinking How? Because you eat other stuff like fats and proteins also. Let me explain. We cook meat or any other protein product like chicken curry or any vegetable dish. To enhance its taste we add different sausages. And these sausages contain added sugar. So here we go, we are just poisoning our body the whole day.

In 2014 in England, a team reported that teenagers from 11–18 years old were consuming 74.2 grams of added sugar daily. Naturally, sugar is present in different fruits and vegetables. That’s good for our health. But the main problem is refined sugar. Unfortunately, we consume a lot of refined sugar daily. And this is leading us toward enormous health issues. If we take some steps to cut down sugar from our diet, it can help us to survive for a longer span.

Photo by Karly Gomez on Unsplash

Too Much Sugar Consumption At Once:

Eating pizza with coke. It’s so tempting. And we never stop eating when it’s a treat from one of our friends. But what it does in our body. That is alarming. Let’s have a look. All processed food contains a lot of empty calories that are packed with added sugar. This added sugar never gives us the feeling of fullness and we don’t stop eating. When we eat more than enough then it starts storing in our body in the form of fats. And hence the person becomes overweight. Too much consumption of sugar-sweetened beverages causes weight gain as in Thailand individuals. If we never stop eating this junk food, so the sugar in it starts poisoning our bodies. And then it can lead us to other chronic diseases. That’s a life-threatening condition.

Health Issues Due to Sugar Poisoning:

Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

1. Diabetes:

Refined sugar is the prominent risk factor for type-2 diabetes. Consuming a lot of sugar in our diet can cause insulin resistance. In this condition, our pancreas either cannot produce insulin, or the insulin present in the body cannot work to control glucose levels. Most diabetic patients have slow wound healing. They are also at risk of kidney failure, heart disease, and hypertension. In order to prevent diabetes, you should be conscious of sugar consumption.

2. Heart disease:

It is considered that saturated fats are a big stimulant of coronary heart disease. But sugar is a more significant risk factor for CHD than fats. The high sugar level in blood destroys the artery walls that are carrying blood from the heart to the body. It can produce certain risk factors for heart disease. Like obesity, hypertension, and high TGs and Cholesterol level. When the level of LDL cholesterol increases in diet, it can cause plaque formation that leads to atherosclerosis. Hence the chances of heart attack increase.

3. Aging:

Most people complain that they are getting old at a young age. Women are especially very conscious about their beauty. And for this sake, they start visiting salons and waste a lot of money on whitening creams. But that really doesn’t work. The reason for aging is the use of too much-refined sugar.

In our bodies, sugar gets homogenized with proteins and leads to the production of free radicals, called AGEs (Advanced Glycation End products). The AGEs affect the collagen and lose the elasticity of the skin. And hence lead to wrinkles formation that’s actually a sign of aging.

4. Cancer:

It was estimated that there will be 3,6711 new cases of cancer in Canada due to sugar-sweetened beverages by 2047. If a person eats added sugar, it causes obesity. It means inflammation in the body. And this inflammation is one of the leading symptoms of cancer. Cancer disturbs the whole body’s functioning. A person with cancer is at risk of death.

5. Stress:

“Stressed is Desserts spelled backward”

Most people rely on sugar consumption when they are under stress. But that works in the opposite way. Actually, this sugar consumption is increasing their fatigue, dizziness, and lethargic effects. As we have seen that people who are addicted they usually consume a lot of sugar. This is because High sugar foods produce drug-like psychoactive effects. As they are consuming refined sugar beyond their requirements, it leads to obesity and other health danger conditions also.

How To Cut Down Added Sugar From Diet?

Photo by Farhad Ibrahimzade on Unsplash

It's clear that sugar causes a lot of health issues so how do you cut down your sugar intake?

Here are some steps that you have to follow:

  1. Say “NO” to processed food and use wholesome food items.
  2. Quit the use of sugar-sweetened beverages in your daily routine.
  3. Use brown sugar instead of refined one.
  4. If your children consume too much juice so give them diluted with water.
  5. Use whole grain cereals as they are high in fiber and are health friendly.
  6. Prepare dressings and sausages at home and avoid them buying from bakeries as those contain a lot of sugar.
  7. Limit the use of chocolate spread and added sugar and peanut butter.
  8. Adopt a healthy lifestyle that keeps you energetic and helps to avoid sugar addiction.


“Sugar is a white poison” You may agree with this sentence after reading a lot of its harms. We all know that we are poisoning our bodies. Now the question is why we don't stop its use? The reason is we are addicted to it. This addiction is more dangerous than drugs as it’s leading us towards life-threatening conditions like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, aging, and stress. To limit the use of added sugar try to use organic foods that fulfill your real caloric requirements instead of poisoning the body. Also, limit the use of sugar-sweetened beverages and processed foods that are the root cause. If you are a health-conscious person, stop its use now. Otherwise, it will be too late and your health will be in a dangerous situation.


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Healthy Lifestyle

  Healthy Lifestyle Introduction Health is a state of physical, mental and emotional well-being felt by persons of any age in their personal and social life. The right to health, just as the right to good education, is one of the fundamental rights of any human being. Promotion of healthy lifestyles has been gaining popularity as a tool for developing public health. Studies indicated that healthy lifestyles enhance lifelong health, increase quality of life, and decrease morbidity and mortality ( 2007). Lifestyle choices and individuals’ behaviors have the potential to influence health and improve the quality of life (Lyons & Lungile, 2000). During the transition from childhood to adulthood, adolescents establish patterns of behavior and make lifestyle choices that affect both their current and future health. Active and health-enhancing leisure time by outdoor physical activities can significantly increase the benefits of physical activities and facilitate adoption of a healthy life